Saturday, February 26, 2011

Learn Your Camera Workshop

A friend of mine recommend classes taught by a local, award-winning photographer, Nancy Merkling. She told me I would L-O-V-E them! And ya know, she was sooooo right. My mom had also found an ad in a mailer she received and cut it out for me an I laughed when I saw it because it was the same woman that my friend had already told me about. So, as a gift for Christmas, my mom bought me my workshop :) The BEST gift!!!!!!!!

So, we got to learn how to set our cameras to be semi-automatic, which I have been doing, but now I know wayyy more how to adjust for lighting, when to change certain things and most importantly, why! Then we got to practice in her beautiful, rustic studio all we wanted to. Here are the images from my workshop today. Both in color and black and white. Black and white speaks to me :) ENJOY! Please feel free to leave comments!!


Chris D. Mitchell said...

Roxanne! Wow! I had no idea you had such talents! What a treat! Now I know why I was delighted with everything you touched for work! Wonderful!

Laurie said...

These photos are so good! I am glad you took this class and are looking forward to taking more. The one I really like I want you to make a large print of so I can hang it in the computer room with my other plant/tree photos!!